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Terms & conditions

Intellectual property rights

All Intellectual Property Rights (including, without limitation, all database rights, rights in designs, rights in know-how, patents and rights in inventions (in all cases whether registered or unregistered and including all rights to apply for registration) and all other intellectual or industrial property rights in any jurisdiction) in any information, content, materials, data or processes contained in or to this website belong to Johnny Grey Design Partners Ltd. All rights of Johnny Grey Design Partners Ltd in such Intellectual Property Rights are hereby reserved.

The copyright in the material contained in this website belongs to Johnny Grey Design Partners Ltd. No persons may copy any part of this material. Anyone wishing to use any information or images from this website must first gain written permission from Johnny Grey Design Partners Ltd

Johnny Grey Design Partners Ltd reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to remove or cease to supply any information contained on this website. In the event that such removal takes place we shall not be liable to you in any way whatsoever for such removal.

Links to other websites
Certain (hypertext) links will lead you to websites that are not under the control of Johnny Grey Design Partners Ltd. When you activate any of these links, you will leave, and Johnny Grey Design Partners Ltd has no control over and will accept no responsibility or liability in respect of the material on any such other website. By allowing links with third party websites Johnny Grey Design Partners Ltd does not intend to solicit business or offer any security to any person in any country, directly or indirectly.

Johnny Grey Design Partners Ltd is committed to protecting your privacy. We comply with the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998 and aim to maintain consistently high levels of best practice in our processing of personal and/or sensitive personal data.

How we use information provided by you
We use the information we receive from you to communicate with you, and to personalise our information sent to you. We do not sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others.
We store all the information you provide us, including information provided via forms you complete on our website, and information which we may collect from your browsing. Our server, in common with nearly all web servers, logs each page that is downloaded from the site.
We ask for your email address to enable us to contact you in relation to an enquiry you have made or if there is another genuine reason for doing so. 


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