Johnny receives Services to Kitchen Industry Award at Designer Kitchen and Bathroom Awards, was presented with the title at a ceremony on Wednesday 9th November by editor Martin Allen-Smith. He said ‘this is given to an individual whose contribution to the kitchen & bathroom sector over a number of years goes way above and beyond the normal. It’s in recognition of his work as an author, academic, leading proponent of the kitchen design course at Bucks New University and his all-round passion and enthusiasm for kitchen design that he brings to any task’
Johnny (above) making a speech calling for recognition of kitchen design as a profession and requesting those in the industry to get involved in some capacity. He hopes more retailers and appliance companies will offer bursaries to the Kitchen Education Trust, as ten or so have done to date.
The FDA degree course offers a first class education in an area of design that makes a real impact on people’s lives and offers a career that is well paid. It is a blended learning (part time) course and delivered through residential weekends, on-line one-to-one tutorials and home work. Students can continue with part time jobs or bringing up a family.